Hospices Civils de Lyon

Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) is France’s second university hospital center. HCL includes a staff of 24,000 of which 5000 are physicians and over 11,000 are nursing staff. It federates 14 facilities, including three predominantly general facilities providing emergency, medical and surgical services in a wide range of disciplines, seven specialist facilities and four geriatric facilities.

With scores of A to C, Hospices Civils de Lyon has risen to the rank of the first university hospital center in France to have such a high certification level. To date, no other hospital in France has exceeded level C.

Hospices Civils de Lyon is in charge of the overall scientific coordination of the project, and relies on its subsidiary Lyon Ingénierie Projets (LIP) for  the administrative, financial and legal project management.

The members of Hospices Civils de Lyon involved in the ICELAND RHU are :

  • Prof. Marco Vola, Cardiac surgeon, in charge of the overall program coordination
  • Prof. Hélène Thibault, Cardiologist, in charge of the clinical investigation
  • Prof. Pierre Lantelme, Cardiologist, in charge of the coordination of the translational research
  • Prof. Brahim Harbaoui, Cardiologist, in charge of the coordination of the translational research
  • Prof. Gilles Rioufol, Cardiologist
  • Dr. Anissa Bouali, Cardiologist
  • Dr. Chahinaz Moulayat, Cardiologist
  • Dr. Sophie Thivolet, Cardiologist
  • Dr. Uhlrich William, Cardiologist
  • Stéphanie Signé, PhD, Project Manager