Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) is part of Université de Lyon which is the most important French University site outside the Paris region. It is a multidisciplinary university specializing in both fundamental and applied research in several fields including health, mathematics, IT, physics, chemistry, earth, space and life sciences.Creator of emerging knowledge and new technologies, UCBL is consolidating its research excellence on a global level by developing inter- and multidisciplinary approaches targeting the major challenges of the society.

UCBL can boast more than 5000 internationally published articles per year and 55 patents applications filed in 2022, confirming its position as France’s leading university for patent applications (INPI Palmarès 2022).

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 is involved in the project through the laboratory CarMeN

UCBL 1 - CarMeN

CarMeN is a biomedical research laboratory specializing in cardiovascular disease, metabolism, diabetology and nutrition. These major health diseases have common pathophysiological bases linked to the environment, lifestyle and aging of the population. The objectives of the CarMeN laboratory are to improve our knowledge of these diseases and to seek new therapeutic and preventive strategies for better patient care.

CarMeN is a center of excellence that brings together the main research forces in the fields of metabolism, nutrition and cardiovascular disease in Lyon. With a staff of around 160 researchers, lecturers and hospital practitioners, and supported by state-of-the-art clinical research platforms (CRNH, CIC) and technology platforms (genomics, histology, imaging, in vivo exploration), CarMeN offers a unique environment for translational research. CarMeN has been ISO 9001 certified since July 2013 for the execution of its research programs and student training. The IRIS team of CarMen is involved in the RHU ICELAND.

The members of CarMeN involved in the ICELAND RHU are :

  • Prof. Marco Vola, cardiac surgeon and project coordinator of ICELAND
  • Prof. Helene Thibault, cardiologist